Boost your immunity while decreasing bloating with these 9 tips

Our lymphatic system runs parallel to the circulatory system, transporting the larger molecules that our veins can’t. Lymphatic tissue, vessels and nodes are located in our bone marrow, tonsils, above the collar bone, under the arms, in the abdomen, spleen, hip and intestinal wall, as reported by This system contains white blood cells to fight infection and removes bodily toxins, waste and other molecules too large for our veins.

When lymph nodes are compromised, infection can result and spread rapidly. Swelling and bloating are also indicators of an overloaded lymph system. Draining your lymph system can boost immunity, help you lose weight and better fight infections, says Here are nine simple ways to begin.

1. Move!

Your heart has a pump to move blood, but the lymph drainage system depends on you to stand, bend, walk, run, stretch and dance.

2. Breathe with purpose.

Lymph collectors lie “right under the sternum.”  Practice deep, slow breathing to help them drain.

 3. Detox

Eliminate mucus causing processed foods. Ingest fewer beans, red meat and cheese. Increase your intake of fresh organic vegetables, fruits and gluten free grains like millet or quinoa.

4.  Let the Sun shine.

Get outside to increase Vitamin D and jumpstart your lymph system flow.

 5. Avoid toxic chemicals whenever possible.

Make your pennies count for health. Buy organic and Non-GMO food, clean cosmetics and home cleaning products.

6. Chew on good fats.

Throw away those processed chips and packaged foods that clog the lymphatic system. Use coconut and sesame oil. Eat more avocados, nuts and seeds. recommends grass fed beef and butter and organ meats and cod liver oil.

7. Get into hot water.

Combine two cups of Epsom salt and a half-cup of baking soda. Pour this mixture into a steaming bath. Step in and relax. Your body will love the extra magnesium while your lymph system eliminates toxins.

8. Essential Oils.

Use essential oils for massage or in the bath. Buy clean, organic oils like carrot seed, black pepper, lemon balm, lemon grass, bay leaf, labdanum or helichrysum. Mix a few drops in a base of pure St. John’s wort oil or Calendula oil. Rub oils on thighs, knees, armpits and abdomen in clockwise motion.

9. Dry brush your body.

Use a sponge or cloth and dry brush your body without water. This unclogs the pores, removes dead skin cells and other toxins clogging the lymph nodes, which are the collector station for toxins.

Feel better and start your lymph system flowing today!


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