Sweden rejects low-fat diet myth, encourages citizens to cut carbs and eat more fat

Obesity became a U.S. epidemic between 1976 and 1986. During this time high fructose corn syrup became the go to sweetener and low fat craze began, and even the USDA told folks to eat less fat. This is the same government that tells you to take your annual flu shot. Naturally, food manufacturers followed suite and created new low-fat concoctions replete with carbohydrates. Tragically, the low-fat diet thrust upon the American people was based on false assumptions and ignorance about Endocrinology, which is, according to Gary Taubes’ New York Times article, “an understanding of how carbohydrates affect insulin and blood sugar and in turn fat metabolism and appetite.”

Doctors in Sweden not only agree, but, as reported by Natural News, they have become “the first  Western nation in the world to officially embrace a high-fat, low-carbohydrate dietary protocol as optimal for good health.”

Sweden is no longer following the dictates of US nutritional dogma.

Natural News reports, “. . . Sweden decided to scrap its former low-fat diet dogma, . . . after an independent committee comprised of doctors and other health experts determined it to be total quackery. This committee, known as the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment, pored through tens of thousands of studies published on the subject. . . which corroborates with what many in the natural health community have been saying for years.

Butter, olive oil, heavy cream, and bacon are not harmful foods . . . Quite the opposite. Fat is the best thing for those who want to lose weight. And there are no connections between a high fat intake and cardiovascular disease.”

Of the myth of low-fat diet and its link to obesity, Natural News reports, “This report turns the current concepts upside down and advocates a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, as the most effective weapon against obesity.”






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