Firm pressure from a weighted blanket can alleviate anxiety and help you sleep

Jyssica Scott’s article on the use of weighted blankets as a therapeutic measure to assist children and adults who suffer from a myriad of emotional and/or psychological difficulties really comes to life when she refers to the experiences of Temple Grandin, Ph.D. Ms. Grandin’s own autism at a time when it wasn’t a household word propelled her into genius concerning animal husbandry and welfare. Her personal use of “pressure” around her body helped assuage terrifying bouts of anxiety. As the article states, recent research indicate that blankets with significant weight may be laid or wrapped around one who is suffering from the effects of anxiety or insomnia – and, as the article states, the applied pressure does help:

“A weighted blanket molds to your body like a warm hug. The pressure also helps relax the nervous system. It’s a totally safe and effective non-drug therapy for sleep and relaxation naturally. Psychiatric, trauma, geriatric, and pediatric hospital units use weighted blankets to calm a patient’s anxiety and promote deep, restful sleep. In a similar way to swaddling comforting an infant, the weight and pressure on an adult provides comfort and relief.

“When pressure is gently applied to the body, it encourages serotonin production, which lifts your mood. When serotonin naturally converts to melatonin, your body takes the cue to rest.”

The use of a weighted blanket is certainly something to consider in lieu of those toxic sleeping pills.



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