Avocados are like an “antidote” for cancer, fight leukemia naturally

Dr. Paul Spagnuolo is a researcher and assistant professor in Ontario, Canada at the University of Waterloo’s School of Pharmacy.  Today, we think of pharmacy schools as being mostly funded by large prescription drug pushing pharmaceutical companies, but Dr. Spagnuolo’s methodology is quite different. His undergraduate and master degrees were focused on the biological compounds and healing potential located inside real, clean foods, not biologically engineered chemical combinations.  More specifically, as reported by Uwaterloo.ca, Dr. Spagnuolo and his team generate detailed research in order to discover the “potential anti-cancer treatment applications of nutraceuticals i.e., food-derived bioactive compounds.”

Researcher Spagnuolo takes the phrase, “Let food be your medicine,” very seriously.

As Natural News reports, Spagnuolo caused quite a stir when  he discovered a link between a particular “lipid found naturally in avocados” and the ability of this specific lipid to target and combat potent leukemia stem cells. It is these stem calls that “drive” a blood disease called acute myeloid leukemia (AML.)  Working with this avocado lipid on a molecular level, Spagnuolo created a compound he called Avocatin B.  As reported by the University of Waterloo, his research confirmed that this powerful avocado derivative doesn’t damage any healthy cells, but instead goes after the “root of the disease – leukemia stem cells.” His extensive work to discover and isolate Avocatin B was also recognized by the American Society of Nutrition who honored Dr. Spagnuolo’s achievement by giving him their Mead Johnson award.


Chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplant or avocados?

In the United States, according to Cancer.net, just under 20,000 people , at any age, will be diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)  this year. As one might expect, Cancer.org reports that typical treatment for AML is two different phases of chemotherapy.  It may take a number of years for Spagnuolo’s new discovery to be made available as an actual treatment option for AML, but work and experimentation is continuing so that clinical trials can be instituted. When these clinical trials do get started, patients diagnosed with AML will have the opportunity to experiment with this non- toxic alternative.

Avocados also have many other important nutrition benefits.

Healthynews24.com reports that the benefits from eating avocados are vast. A medium size fruit can provide at least half the fiber you need daily.  Avocados will provide potassium, help regulate your blood sugar and provide Vitamin B. There are two specific nutrients found in avocados – lutein and zeaxanthin that may help protect your eyesight. Avocados are known to be anti-inflammatory, provide Vitamin E and K and even have an antioxidant called glutathione which has been associated with keeping one younger looking. The fats found in avocado can also be beneficial for skin and the complexion. That full feeling you get from eating avocados might assist in weight loss efforts. Add the newly discovered anti-cancer properties of this delicious green fleshy fruit, and you have a bevy of healthy reasons to add avocados as a staple on your family’s grocery list.











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