07/29/2016 / By D. Samuelson
Why does grass-fed beef and organic food taste better? Think microbes, the earth’s inumerable one-celled microscopic life forms balancing all things fungi, nematode, mold, bacteria, ad infinitum. Microbe World says microbes are “the oldest life on earth.” Seems all life is dependent on underground microbial activity cause we couldn’t “eat, breathe or even digest” without them. Even Monsanto admits that microbes “help grow healthy and nutritious food.” And they’ll be pleased to sell you some, after their glyphosate cocktail has destoyed your soil and your animals’ microbial population with GMO seed and feed. But glyphosate is merely one of many. Between 70,000 – 100,000 industrial chemicals are being produced all over the earth, according to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO.) In 2015 America sprayed, planted, ingested, manufactured and delivered a stunning 9.5 trillion pounds of chemicals to our soil, plants, animals, trees, birds, bees and all who breathe. In their report, FIGO states that comes out to more than 30,000 pounds for every American citizen. Are you coughing too much to say enough? Let the detoxification and remediation begin.
Yes! So says Microbe Tech past president -now chemtrail activist – Allan Buckman – along with California based researcher Peter A. Kirby, as per The Liberty Beacon. Buckman and Kirby believe releasing massive quanities of beneficial soil microbials surely will greatly assist in bringing back fertility and thwarting the microbial depopulation from chemtrail tactics. In simple terms, you’ve most likely used probiotics, seeking more balance and biological authority over your “bad bacteria.” Probiotics are microbials to rebuild what the antibiotic may have taken away. Buckman and Kirby give us a reminder that the earth’s soil – where all food comes from – is desperate for life and fertility. And good microbials are the answer. This is something we can all do in a backyard compost pit. Dig a hole at least 3′ by 3′. Layer it with grasses, vegetable peelings, hay, egg shells, coffee grounds, fruit leftovers, leaves and more. Cover it with a tarp. Might need to add a cup of water now and then. Keep adding organic matter. Watch life begin.
William Albrecht, the visionary, humanitarian and soil scientist who is considered the “father of soil science,” was promoting this same message after WW II. Albrecht documented the decline of animal and human health due to the depletion of life matter in the soil. As reported by Supermaxxonline.com, following the use of the first nuclear bomb, and the proliferation of nitrogen fertilizer, Albrecht called for a “national initiative to restore the health and fertility of America’s ‘worn out’ soils.”
These ancient, invisible, networking microbes — when properly balanced– will develop soil that is robust, alive, and full of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Unfortunately, with the enormous toxic load put into the ground by corporate giants and their ilk, good microbes are being destroyed. You might say our earth’s soil has a critical case of intestinal permeability. Which means your stomach may have one as well. This is one very simple reason why organic, clean robust food is so critical.
Figo.org [PDF]
Tagged Under:
Allan Buckman, depopulation, Increase Soil Health, Intestinal Permeability, Microbes, Pro biotic Microbacterials, Soil Remediation, Soil Science, Wiliam Albrecht
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