Miles of cigarettes and the actual length of your habit – unraveled!

Get this: A cigarette’s average length is about 3.5 inches, and there are about 20 cigarettes in a pack, so if you smoke a pack a day, every day for 10 years, you will have smoked 255,500 inches of cigarette (minus the filter), which totals over 21,000 feet, divide that by the number of feet in one mile (5,280) and put all those cigarettes end-to-end in the street and the grand total would equal 4 miles of cigarettes that you smoked. Take all those same numbers but use a factor of 2 packs of cigarettes per day smoked for 20 years, and that totals over 1 million inches of cigarettes, which is over 25,000 total feet, and lay all those down in the road end-to-end and you’ve smoked 16 miles of cigarettes. Let’s take it up a notch. Take all those same figures still and now change the two pack-a-day smoker to 30 years in the making and you’ve got 1,533,000 inches of smokes, totaling 127,750 feet, laid out in the road is 24 miles long. And for the grand finale, factor in the three pack-a-day smoker for 30 years, and that grand total is 2,300,000 inches, nearly 200,000 feet, and laid out on the pavement would take you 36 miles.

How many miles of cigarettes have you smoked so far?

Where have your lungs been “taken?” On that last 30 year trip, or the first one, ten years long and “just” 4 miles? What’s the damage? What needs to be undone? You know you’ll have all new cells in just three months, so that’s just one season away–spring 2016!

Spring into action now!

Spring into action NOW and be in “cruise control” come spring. Here’s how you UNDO the damage that miles of cigarettes has caused you.

  1. Detoxify your body by eating only organic, raw produce (fruits and vegetables), and drinking only spring water (or reverse osmosis filtered) – for 48 hours.
  1. Come up with a new exercise regimen you never do and do it for 15 minutes per day. Keep it simple and easy–no straining or getting hurt allowed!
  1. Do not consume alcohol, gluten or artificial sweeteners
  1. Check out the most comprehensive, simple and proven method for quitting smoking NATURALLY in 14 days or less, it’s called 14AndOut! – It is designed by an ex-smoker who teaches the class in his hometown. The 60-minute lesson is available by streaming-download on video. Click right here for the free view of the trailer to the best stop smoking program available.

Follow the path of so many health enthusiasts who all help each other out on line, all of the time. Stick with for updates and visit daily for health news you will LOVE to know!


Sincerely, the staff 🙂





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