Four tips to keep your family from sabotaging your weight loss goals

No, this is not a blame your family so you don’t have to take responsibility plea…

Still, if you’re intent on losing weight, you must take into account how supportive your family is going to be. The more supportive, the more likely you are to succeed. And, it’s common that a family member’s lack of support or even insecurity can get in the way of your success.

Don’t let this issue stop you from achieving your goals. Consider the following four tips that will help you deal with your family’s lack of support, if this is relevant in your case.

1. Early Eating

If your family eats junk food while you’re trying to resist and stick with veggies, one of the best tactics is to simply be full by the time they sit down to eat. When we’re hungry, our willpower tends to be compromised. By eating before they do, you’ll be strong enough to ignore the call of fried chicken!

2. Drinking

If you are absolutely forbidden from eating before the family eats, drink lots of water before you eat, then fill your plate with low calorie foods. Being full of water before meals may help you resist temptation to join in the junk food fest.

3. Explain

While confrontation makes the problem worse, communication keeps things civil. If your family is trying to get you to stop your progress, simply state that you want to be a part of their lives for as long as possible because you love them. Even in the most narcissistic relationships, this keeps the more easily offended from getting too upset while allowing you to stand your ground.

4. Involve

Finally, get yourself involved in the planning process. Tell them you’re going to make dinners on certain nights and even give them a choice between two meal options. This amount of control from both sides will harbor feelings of support, not resentment.

If the above is not enough, then you should realize that you may be subtly allowing others to control your destiny. Read the article “Nine Subtle Ways You Give Other People Power To Control You” for a deeper look at this important issue.


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