One-on-one interview with the Stop Smoking King!

I had the privilege today of interviewing one of the world’s leading experts on strategies for quitting smoking–a man who has spent years investigating the chemicals in cigarettes, how they affect the body, how to combat that with highly effective behavior modification anyone can do, and his knowledge of nutrition he says comes from some of the world’s leading clean food advocates, including being personally acquainted with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and David Wolfe, raw food expert. The nutrition phase, the “Stop Smoking King” says, is the key to the success of his 60-minute instructional video teaching his unique natural method to quitting cigarettes in 14 days, (he teaches the class for free in his hometown), and it’s all done without medication or any gimmicks.

I contacted the Stop Smoking King and asked these “burning” questions to help my fans at StopSmoking.News get the inside track on this organic method to quitting one of the worst and MOST ADDICTING habits on planet earth. Here’s what the expert had to say:

Question: How did you get started with all of this–the whole deal of helping people quit smoking?

Answer: My grandfather smoked himself to death when I was young. At the time, the doctor told him if he didn’t quit smoking, he’d be dead inside of two years, and he kept on smoking. That was 1974. I was six years old. My mother watched him literally deteriorate to about 80 pounds in the hospital. My goal is to save people from that similar fate.

Question: You wrote a book about chemicals in foods that cause cancer, right?


Answer: It’s called “Don’t Eat Cancer” and it was published in 2014. This past spring it was translated into Chinese and is selling well in China now. I’m super pleased.

Question: Did you cover cigarettes in the “Don’t Eat Cancer” book?

Answer: Yes, four chapters are dedicated to the chemicals in cigarettes because you still consume them in a way, even though you’re smoking instead of eating or drinking them, plus, some of those chemicals in commercial cigarettes are now unfortunately showing up in common food, like bleach, ammonia and especially now the pesticides, as in everything GMO. I also included some chapters on cosmetics and personal care items because what you put on your skin still finds its way into your bloodstream and must be filtered by your cleansing organs. It’s all about filtering chemicals out of your daily life–as much as humanly possible.

Question: What’s wrong with medications like Chantix and Zyban? I hear they work for some people, but then I hear about some really freaky side effects.

Answer: See, the medications block natural production of serotonin and dopamine, well, I should say they block the synapses in the brain from naturally occurring, and they try to regulate it, but what they do is block the neurons in your brain from firing off properly, and it’s difficult to explain without talking for twenty minutes, but what ends up happening is you mess up the natural fight-or-flight reactions you get from your hormones and your central nervous system is thrown way off kilter. So people can’t work out their normal, even little problems, in their head or even in a normal day, so they have these horrific nightmares and sometimes their bouts of depression are much more severe and seemingly intolerable at times, that’s why the manufacturers and distributors of the medications you just named have to list feelings of suicide and suicide as side effects, even though death as a side effect is kind of oxymoronic. How can a side effect be the end of your life? Aren’t you trying to quit something else that ends life early?

Question: You have a published book now based on the stop smoking video and the class, called “14AndOut: Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days” – is that right?

Answer: Yes, but in my opinion, the video is better. Quitting smoking is quite personal and when I teach the class I feel like I connect better with people on a personal level. I guess that’s why the video has done so well because the message and emphasis of certain strategies are delivered as I do some hands on activities with the ingredients in cigarettes during the dissection phase, and then I really show you the tricks of the behavior modification techniques. A video is always more personal than a book because you get to see the teacher deliver the instruction, plus, I’m a visual learner myself, so I figured people would appreciate that form of delivery.

Question: Oh, and they do! I read once that you have over a 90% success rate with your “clients” – meaning the people who buy your video or read your book and follow your advice. That just blows away statistics of cessation from e-cigs, hypnosis or people who try to quit cold turkey. How’d you pull that off?

Answer: Well, the statistic is from a survey that I ran myself when the video was about two years young. What I did was email everyone that bought the video the first two years, which included over 2,000 people from November of 2011 to November of 2013, and 90% (of those that responded) said they quit smoking and had not gone back either. That’s the key, you see, I don’t want to be selling some gimmick that gets people to quit for a little while and then relapse as soon as something stressful happens. That doesn’t redeem my grandfather or change a thing about their lives. I’m in this for the long haul, and when I teach my program, I mean it with all my heart and soul–I want people off this crap! The lesson is authentic and people can feel it. That’s the difference. That’s what gets me the high success ratio.

Question: What’s next on the horizon for the Stop Smoking King?

Answer: Mike Adams, Editor in Chief of Natural, is building a new studio for presenting alternative health news, producing videos and conducting interviews, and when it’s done, I’ll be flying out there (Midwest) to film the video like a tag team with him. Everything I have so far is self-produced and I believe with Mike standing next to me and inserting some knowledge he has about clean food and heavy metal toxins, well, that will be huge and help sell hundreds of thousands of videos instead of just a few thousand! I’m trying to reach out to the people who have tried to quit and failed, those people who have the will to quit but just don’t know how. I feel like they need one more chance that doesn’t just switch their addiction to some other pharma drug or chemical-laden foods that drive them back to the same vicious cycle of poisoning themselves daily. I’ve known Mike Adams for five years now and he is phenomenally intelligent and caring, so when we get that on the 14AndOut streaming video we will have hit the big leagues!

Question: Last question, Mr. Cohen, and I will let you get back to saving people from cigarettes and cancer. What’s the best compliment you ever got for doing what you do?

Answer: One lady emailed me and said that she had been smoking for 35 years and tried everything, and then she tried my method and quit just like that. Knowing she smoked for that long and was willing to tell me about it makes everything worth it. Every time a video sells I get an email with their name and I say either out loud or to myself, “congratulations (insert name here) …. quit smoking–change your life!” It’s like my montra.

Special thanks to the Stop Smoking King for taking time to answer our questions here at We all really do appreciate it!

About the Stop Smoking King:

Sean David Cohen, author, teacher and investigative journalist has two degrees from the University of Georgia, a bachelors in Mass Communication and a master’s in Education. He is the author of two books and has written, directed and produced two independent films. He’s traveled to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Hawaii, Niagara Falls, the pyramids in Mexico City, and Acapulco. His favorite saying is, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

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To view the free preview/trailer (presented by the Health Ranger) to the best stop smoking program in the world, click HERE now. It’s doctor and nutritionist and ex-smoker recommended.




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