Smoking fact: Nicotine is MORE addictive than cocaine, morphine, heroin or alcohol – affecting BOTH sides of your brain

On the right side of your brain, you’ve got the ability and functions for art, creativity, imagination, intuition, insight, holistic thoughts, music awareness, and of course, left hand control. Then, on the left side of your brain, you’ve got the abilities and functions to develop analytic thought, logic, reasoning, language, science and math, writing, and of course, right hand control. Which hand do you smoke with? Drive with? Brush your teeth with? Which side controls your emotions about life, and very importantly, which side will give you the drive and willpower to quit smoking nicotine? It’s possibly the most addictive drug on the planet as far as your brain is concerned. Let’s find out why.

Reward Activity via Synapses and Dopamine

Researchers at the University of Chicago found that the nicotine in cigarettes doesn’t just stimulate the brain’s reward system, but alters the BALANCE OF INPUTS from two kinds of NEURONS that regulate reward system ACTIVITY which makes the pleasure of smoking last longer.

Research from 2003 on “Dopaminergic Neurons”

Sure, scientists have known for years that hard core drugs attach to the core neurons of the brain’s reward system in order to reinforce behaviors, but those same “behaviors” can essentially save your life, like drinking water when you’re thirsty, or eating dark organic chocolate when you’re depressed. In your brain, in your VTA (ventral tegmental area), you have reward system neurons (dopaminergic) that trigger the release of dopamine in another nearby region of your brain. Nicotine actually ATTACHES to these neurons and they increase their ACTIVITY. This floods your nucleus accumbens (NAc). That’s when you feel the pleasure and your brain creates the DISPOSITION for that situation, whether it’s drinking water, eating chocolate or lighting up a smoke. That’s why addictions can be good or bad. You could actually be addicted to eating right, exercising and meditating, if you reinforce positive feelings with organic supplements, Superfoods and clear thinking. Think about it.


The research also revealed that nicotine attachment only stimulates the DA neurons for a few minutes, while dopamine levels in the nucleus remained elevated for MUCH LONGER. So when someone tries to quit smoking, their brain will be searching for those rewards and for extended periods of time throughout the day, unless they can find some other way to replace and replenish their nutrient base and the right foods that stimulate dopamine production, like organic cabbage, mucuna pruriens (legume supplement also called dopabean), kale, spinach, goji berries, maca, to name a few.

Experiment: Scientists exposed VTA cells in rats to nicotine for 10 minutes

How long does the average person take to smoke a cigarette? About ten minutes. How long does it take ammonia-treated nicotine, which is in virtually all commercial and domestic cigarettes, to reach the human brain? About three seconds. Scientists found that when they measured electrical properties of the brain tissue of rats exposed to nicotine, BOTH “pacemaker” neurons were affected– the GABA producing cells and glutamate producing cells–where in the latter the brief nicotine application induced a condition known as LONG-TERM POTENTIATION. This explains why the brain activity occurs at a high-level for an extended period of time, beyond the nicotine-attachment phase, when GABA transmission decreases.

Now think about this, how long does the nicotine last for a smoker? That depends on the physiology of the person, the brand of cigarette (varying nicotine potency), and how they smoke it–whether quick short tugs or long, drawn-out drags. Most people have NO CLUE that commercial cigarettes register off the charts for average nicotine potency, at over 100mg per “serving.” You thought it was 10 – 20 milligrams, didn’t you? Or maybe 35? Nope. The nicotine has been free-based, like crack from cocaine, into a vapor form that reaches the heart AND both sides of your brain within three seconds and lasts up to about 20 or 30 minutes. A two-pack-a-day smoker can maintain nicotine and artificial dopamine boosting feelings all day, but the health trade-off means eventually their body will stop producing dopamine naturally and rely 100% on cigarettes for their reward system neurons to fire long enough for them to enjoy anything at all. Sound familiar?


Excitatory signals promote addiction for the brain’s reward system

Dr. McGehee, the lead researcher testing nicotine effects on rat brains, comes to this conclusion:

“This suggests that in humans a relatively short nicotine exposure, even for someone who has never smoked before, can cause long-lasting changes in excitatory neurotransmission. It may be an important early step in the process that results in addiction.” … “The combination of effects–increasing dopamine release and decreasing the inhibitory [GABA] response–results in an amplification of the rewarding properties of nicotine” … “It would be difficult to design a better drug to promote addiction.”

Nicotine is MORE addictive than heroin, because it affects BOTH sides of your brain–and it’s why you haven’t quit, yet

Nicotine, therefore, has a combination effect of INCREASING dopamine release while DECREASING inhibitory GABA response. The artificially-induced reward of nicotine is therefore amplified as is the addiction, and THAT is why nicotine is now considered the most addicting drug in the world. It’s not cocaine or heroin or morphine or viagra or xanax or oxycodone or percocet, it’s nicotine. You’re on a drug-induced emotional roller coaster manipulated by cigarette manufacturers to make you their customer for life. It’s affecting your motivation, creativity, deep thinking, attentiveness, learning, and relaxation, and in the worst of ways.

The brain-effect differences between nicotine, cocaine, heroin, morphine …

Dopamine is essential for survival as it is involved in so many functions including motivation, learning and memorization, since the beginning of time. Dopamine is a key element that identifies natural rewards and is involved in the UNCONSCIOUS memorizing of the signs associated with these rewards. Cocaine is different than nicotine in that cocaine increases the dopamine in the synapses. Ecstasy (a powerful stimulant and hallucinogen) increases serotonin. Alcohol blocks the natural neuromediator (NMDA) receptors. Morphine binds to receptors for endorphin (the brain’s natural morphine production). Nicotine binds to the receptors for what is called acetylcholine.


Nicotine causes Desensitization

Nicotine is lying to you. It’s faking you out. It’s tricking your brain – and both sides at that, into believing a cigarette is the only way you can feel the way you feel during and after smoking one. Their is no side of your brain unaffected that can come rescue YOU from the vicious cycle, so you’ll have to physically “break it.” The nicotine in tobacco imitates the action of a natural neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, and so it binds to that type of receptor, now identified as the nicotine receptor. The ion channel opens for a few milliseconds and allows sodium ions to enter the neuron, depolarizing the membrane and “exciting” the cell, then the channel closes again, and the receptor becomes disabled, unresponsive to ANY neurotransmitters whatsoever. That’s the state of desensitization that is being ARTIFICIALLY PROLONGUED by the chronic, perpetual habit of smoking cigarettes.

Are you wondering now about your motivation, sex drive, attitude, senseless fears, senseless worrying, sleepless nights, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and loss of drive? The experience of cigarette nicotine reduces more and more over time as you build up tolerance and experience reduced pleasure from it. What now? Quit smoking and do it without medication or nicotine replacement programs. When your receptors become functional again, within days, you will replace any cravings with Superfoods that naturally raise dopamine and serotonin levels.

Bottom Line: Your two-sided brain needs the right food and herbal supplements right now. It’s time to exit nicotine and enter the health enthusiasts world. Become one of us starting now. Quit cigarettes and do it naturally. Here’s HOW to KICK THE HABIT:


14AndOut–The Natural Method

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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and Editor-in-Chief of, the most popular health news website in the world, has this to say about the 14AndOut Stop Smoking Course:

“14 & Out offers smokers a new approach to quitting the smoking habit for good – – an approach that frees you from all corporation chemicals and their physiological addictions. It does this by addressing smoking addiction with a multi-layered approach, reforming smoking behaviors, detoxifying the body from chemicals that promote addiction, and supporting the body’s healthy functioning with a sound nutritional approach that works with the brain’s natural chemistry to break addictions at a molecular level.”


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