The 75-year-old brainwash and how advertising tricked smokers psychologically – Why haven’t YOU quit smoking yet?

Many smokers still believe today that it aids in digestion. Nearly every smoker, if asked, will tell you they enjoy a cigarette after meals, but it’s actually the breathing pattern (long inhale, hold, long exhale) that a smoker enters into when they light up that relaxes them, but most smokers fail to realize it.

Let’s be very clear here, nicotine does not aid in digestion, and neither do the other 4,000 chemicals in commercial cigarettes.

In fact, cigarettes are one of the most detrimental and systemically damaging legal substances you can consume. Every inhaled puff of smoke contains free radicals which inflict damage on every system in the body, especially the digestive track and the intestines. Smoking increases the risk of Crohn’s disease, gallstones, peptic ulcers and liver disease. The chemicals bond to the walls of healthy tissue in the esophagus, windpipe, and stomach, disordering DNA and causing the cells to degrade. I’m sure you know lots of dangers of smoking, you’ve “heard them all before,” but this is education about your vital organs, so bear with me for a minute.

According to the American Diabetes Association, cigarette smoking has “demonstrable effects on blood sugar,” making type two diabetes more likely. Smoking also ages the tissues of the pancreas, which creates defects in the digestive system. You cannot live without your pancreas, and 95% of people who get pancreatic cancer will die from it. It’s the least “curable” cancer there is today.


First Pass Metabolism

Smoking impairs the lymphatic and immune systems, and can damage the soft tissue lining of the intestines. That’s why colon cancer is prominent in smokers. Although the liver doesn’t seem like part of the digestive system, it actually filters the nutrients and toxins from the blood, in a process called first-pass metabolism. Smoking severely constricts this liver blood flow. After long term use of nicotine, the body becomes dependent on it, recycling toxins back to the liver, and the result is constipation. The more you smoke, the worse it gets. The only solution is to get off nicotine and detoxify the liver, so e-cigarettes won’t help.



Big Tobacco targets with evil precision, so don’t feel guilty or dumb

Do you know that the U.S., Japan, and China alone make up over 75% of the world’s smokers? It’s true. All over the world, children and teens still recognize the Marlboro Man and Joe Camel as being “cool,” and women have consistently been a target market for cigarette advertising, pushing the tall and slim look. The problem is that even if you’re tall and slim, you still get the same kind of cancer. The celebrity Sammy Davis, Jr. was a smoker who died in 1990 of throat cancer. In his final years, he courageously made several public service announcements about the evils of smoking, but unfortunately, he forgot to tell everyone that cigarettes do not aid in digestion.


So now it is time to ask yourself, “why can’t I quit?”

Go ahead, say it out loud once. I’ll wait … “Why can’t I quit” … Okay. Good! Now, YOU ARE NOT going to like the answer, but you ARE going to love the solution. That’s the difference between this method of cessation and all the others, you face yourself and you face reality. I did the research for you, so when you quit this time, you will know why you couldn’t quit last time you tried, or thought about trying, and that’s all the difference in the world. See, when someone chooses not to do something, if they DON’T know the reasoning behind their choice, then the next time it rears up, they most likely will not make an educated decision, and that’s how people repeat the same behaviors and mistakes, over and over, and over again. You see it happen with relationships, with food, with accomplishing goals, and with perservering in the face of adversity.


So, what’s your main reason or reasons for smoking, and why haven’t you quit yet?

How many of these look familiar?

It’s a break from work.

It’s gets you out in the fresh air.

Your life is too stressful to quit right now.

Your friends do it.

Your co-workers do it.

Your parents smoke, or your significant other got you started.

You are actually going through a breathing routine and a hand to mouth ritual that helps you relax.

The menthol ones help your chest and throat feel better.

It’s how you wake up in the morning (and stop coughing).

You need something to do.

It’s a hand to mouth thing, kind of like a snack.

You like the ritual of it all.

It’s legal!

You actually like it.

It looks cool.

It reduces stress!

You like sharing them.

It’s just the perfect thing after a meal.

It’s just a “social” thing.

You only smoke at bars.

You only bum cigs so it doesn’t cost you anything.

You just don’t feel like quitting.

You can’t quit.

You’re gonna quit soon, just not now.

You’re quitting to help out the people around you.

You can’t deal with the stress of life without cigarettes.

You quit and you’re celebrating with this last one! (this one’s a joke).

You have no idea why.


… Wait, I know what it is … you never knew how to quit!

                                                               Guess what … you’re about to figure it out.

 break cig

You know what they say …

Where there is a will, there is a way!

14AndOut–The Natural Method

View the FREE TRAILER to the top-selling video


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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and Editor-in-Chief of, the most popular health news website in the world, has this to say about the 14AndOut Stop Smoking Course:

“14 & Out offers smokers a new approach to quitting the smoking habit for good – – an approach that frees you from all corporation chemicals and their physiological addictions. It does this by addressing smoking addiction with a multi-layered approach, reforming smoking behaviors, detoxifying the body from chemicals that promote addiction, and supporting the body’s healthy functioning with a sound nutritional approach that works with the brain’s natural chemistry to break addictions at a molecular level.”

Expert Raw-Foodist David Wolfe Recommends 14AndOut!

More great sources:

Join the non-smoker family of 14AndOut and take 60 minutes to listen to the “Stop Smoking King” – He has the information and strategies you need for your road map so you yourself can restore your healthy life and live ten to twenty more years loving it. It’s true. It’s up to you!



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