The chemicals in cigarettes have more to do with addiction than nicotine!

The majority of smokers light up just to feel normal, and catch a little bit of stimulation or relaxation; however, even after quitting a smoker’s organs and central nervous system remain weakened from the chemicals for up to 6 months. This sickened state is what drives smokers back looking for relief, it’s not the “nicotine addiction,” which actually ends after 3 to 5 days. Other chemical imbalances can drive an ex-smoker to smoke also, like drinking alcohol often or abusively, or consuming aspartame or MSG. It’s the sickened chemical state of the central nervous system and the blood that drives smokers back to the well, not the nicotine.

The chemicals in cigarettes have much more to do with the smoking addiction than nicotine. Let me say that again: The chemicals in cigarettes have much more to do with the smoking addiction than nicotine. Most cigarette smokers do not understand it’s the chemicals in cigarettes that wreak havoc in their central nervous system, fueling the need for the short-lived relief nicotine brings. History proves that the premium brands contain more chemicals than others, and that is why they rule the market share, and most of their “loyal smokers” will not even smoke the competition’s brand because the “kick” or “taste” just isn’t the same. What most fail to realize is that this desired kick and taste comes with a very steep price—that price being more pesticides, more ammonia, and a richer toxic cocktail that does damage to the lungs and nervous system in the short term.


Let’s review: When a smoker tries to quit by using the pills, the patch, nicotine gum, electronic cigarettes, or even cold turkey, what drives him or her back to smoking isn’t the craving of nicotine, an addiction which is broken within the first 3 to 5 days.

If all cigarette manufacturers today faced strict and thorough inspections and regulations, and had no choice but to eliminate all of the chemicals, the number of cancer cases would be reduced immensely, and the ability to stop smoking without help would be reasonable again.

Side effects of cessation medications

I’m not completely knocking medication, because for a minute few, it works. But I wouldn’t take them if you paid me, because of the repercussions which can accompany them, and at very unpredictable moments and intensity. You see, understanding why suicide is a side effect of smoking cessation pills is of ultimate importance to smokers considering taking these drugs and to those who think the “grass is greener on the other side.” Several lawsuits have been filed because the manufacturers of these pills do not provide ample warning.

Chantix medication has dangers and “adverse events” record

Smoking cessation pills simply make anxiety and depression worse. Chantix blocks nicotine receptor sites in the brain in order to reduce nicotine cravings, but in that process, naturally occurring dopamine and serotonin are blocked, creating dangerous and nearly intolerable side effects. Do you understand this? Follow me here through an example. When a human being experiences a stressful or exciting event, natural hormones create neural reactions in the brain’s central processing area called synapses, which involve neurons firing electrical charges that stimulate behavior and mood elevations. By taking Chantix, the smoker is blocking these natural reactions from doing their job, preventing the person from coping with anxiety, depression, and frustration. Chantix therefore disables the natural “fight or flight” reaction, which in turn makes even small problems seem insurmountable, leading to feelings of intense anxiety and thoughts of suicide. Even the petty problems and stress or simple frustrations can become overwhelming in an instant. Your brain simply cannot work it out during the day and the stress builds up subconsciously. Your mind can’t work out your basic problems or get past miniscule obstacles. It’s a trick. It’s a scam.

No wonder sleeplessness and nightmares are the most common side effects. So they may get you off cigarettes, maybe, but then you’re in need of some antidepressants or “lobotomizing” drugs for life. They will never tell you this, not on the package or when you visit the doctor. Why? That would decrease sales and decrease profits by word of mouth alone. Chantix is Varenicline: Chantix, chemically known as varenicline, is a drug sold by Pfizer. Chantix side effects include agitation, depression, and onset of psychiatric illness such as psychosis, mania, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and hallucinations. Chantix may lead to the recurrence of old psychiatric illness. Some patients have attempted or committed suicide. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices reported that Chantix accounted for more “serious drug adverse events” in the United States than any other drug in 2008. Can you imagine! The FDA issued alerts about some of these serious adverse side-effects. Pfizer has slowly admitted to these reports over time. At one point, the Chantix label was updated to mention reports of depression, agitation, changes in behavior and suicide.

Here’s the super long list of side effects directly from the website. “Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions while using CHANTIX to help them quit smoking. Some people had these symptoms when they began taking CHANTIX, and others developed them after several weeks of treatment or after stopping CHANTIX. If you, your family, or caregiver notice agitation, hostility, depression, or changes in behavior, thinking, or mood that are not typical for you, or you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion, stop taking CHANTIX and call your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems before taking CHANTIX, as these symptoms may worsen while taking CHANTIX.” Are you kidding me?! How can doctors legally prescribe this and in good faith? How does the FDA and the CDC allow these horror drugs on the market? Because they are paid off by Big Tobacco. Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are like evil brothers in business to make you sick.

It’s time to quit smoking, get in shape, and love your new life as a non-smoker … here’s how. You know what they say …

 cutting cigarettes

Where there is a will, there is a way!

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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and Editor-in-Chief of, the most popular health news website in the world, has this to say about the 14AndOut Stop Smoking Course:

“14 & Out offers smokers a new approach to quitting the smoking habit for good – – an approach that frees you from all corporation chemicals and their physiological addictions. It does this by addressing smoking addiction with a multi-layered approach, reforming smoking behaviors, detoxifying the body from chemicals that promote addiction, and supporting the body’s healthy functioning with a sound nutritional approach that works with the brain’s natural chemistry to break addictions at a molecular level.”

Expert Raw-Foodist David Wolfe Recommends 14AndOut!

More great sources:

Join the non-smoker family of 14AndOut and take 60 minutes to listen to the “Stop Smoking King” – He has the information and strategies you need for your road map so you yourself can restore your healthy life and live ten to twenty more years loving it. It’s true. It’s up to you!




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